Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Reed is One Year Old!

The big day has arrived - Reed is one year old!  We remember April 11, 2011 like it was yesterday, and can hardly believe that an entire year has gone by since our family of two became three.  Reed delights us on a daily basis, whether through his infectious laugh, his thoughtful perspective on the world, or his sweet cuddles.  We are so very blessed to have him in our lives, and we can't wait to see what else he has in store for us!

Here are all the things we want to remember about Reed Alexander at 12 months -- one year old!
  •  At 21 lbs, 15 ounces, and 30 1/2 inches long, Reed is in the 30th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height.  Quite a change from months two, three, and four, and now I'm missing those sweet thigh rolls!  He wears 12 and 18 month clothing.
  • He continues to be a great sleeper, with 12 hours at night (7 p.m. to 7 a.m.) and two naps during the day (9:30 - 10:15 a.m. and 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.).
  • We're lucky he's such a great sleeper because Reed's eating has become a real challenge for us.  He nurses in the morning (approximately 6 - 7 ounces) and is down to just two bottles during the day: 6 1/2 ounces at lunch and 5 1/2 at dinner and bedtime.  I'm proud that Reed has only had breast milk up until now, but today we started introducing whole cow's milk.  Nutrient-wise, he now needs more than Mommy can give him!  With solids, Reed has gotten VERY picky.  He loves ground beef, cheese, cinnamon raisin bread, Gerber cheese poofs, yogurt melts, and Mum Mums, and will tolerate bananas and yogurt.  Anything else he usually tosses aside (literally) without even trying, or else he'll put a bite in his mouth and spit it out.  Lovely!  We're hoping this is a stage he grows out of soon . . .
  • After his tubes surgery on March 20, we saw a huge jump in Reed's receptive language.  Our ENT surgeon told us that, due to a thick build-up of fluid behind his eardrums, Reed was hearing at a 40-50 decibel deficit.  That's pretty significant!  Just two days later, he waved when Mommy asked him to wave, clapped when Mommy said "good job", and said "uh oh" in a much more intelligible way (see video below).  
  • Reed now responds appropriately 90% of the time to "hi/bye" (waving), "good job" (clapping for himself), and clap.  He knows the signs for "more" and "all done", and when asked, he can retrieve his ball, paci, block, fish, and bottle.  He will also look for Daddy and Ari when asked where they are.
  • I've been trying to teach him "nose" by pointing to my nose and saying "Mommy's nose."  Now, when I ask him where Mommy's nose is, he takes my hand and puts it on my nose.
  • He has always loved his Classical Baby DVDs, but he recently started clapping along with the baby animals, in between each number.  It's like he really is watching a show!
  • Reed now loves putting items into receptacles, as opposed to just taking them out.  He'll spend 20 minutes at a time putting blocks into the chute on this train!
  • He mimicks us in the way he holds the remote control out to the TV and holds the phone up to his ear.
  • Reed now loves story time, particularly turning the pages of his books.  He responds to "Turn the page!", and eagerly awaits his chance to do so.  His favorite books are Goodnight, Moon, That's Not My Monkey, and The Grandma Book.
  • He loves to be surprised!  When we jump out at him or make a loud noise to startle him, he first startles, then pauses, then bursts into belly laughs.  It's adorable!
  • As I mentioned in the Passover post, he can climb stairs!  He's remarkably fast, given that he has no practice in our 1-story apartment.
  • His favorite toys are his elephant ball popper, his new VTech zoo toy, his Peekaboo bear, both of his trains (the Fisher Price and VTech), and his Fisher Price dog.
  • Reed enjoys dancing along to music, both while standing (bouncing his little legs) and while sitting (swaying side to side).
Here's to a whole year of firsts, Reed!  Mommy and Daddy love you so much!

Flexible like Mommy!
He's a miserable little guy . . .


  1. My nephew is so handsome!!! Happy birthday to you, Reed.

    Auntie Candy

  2. Loved your blog on Reed.I don't know where you find the time! He is looking like a more baby for much longer. Enjoy.
